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5-Star Google Reviews

We have seen huge improvements in our son’s vision over the years of working with the staff using optometric vision therapy. We are very grateful for their care and expertise…and feel lucky they are local to us!
1 week ago
- Sarah G.
As someone who was diagnosed later in life with a vision problem that caused anxiety and panic attacks, I am truly blessed to have found Vision Development of WNY. The staff has been very patient with me and accommodating to me by modifying my exercises to make them age appropriate. They have been so encouraging and amazing to work with. Everyone there are rock stars and truly care for you.
3 months ago
- Scott B.
We had an amazing experience with Vision Therapy of WNY! Our 10-year-old son was struggling with reading and focus, and after working with the team here, we’ve seen such a remarkable improvement. The therapists were so patient and made each session fun, engaging, and tailored to his needs. Not only has his reading improved, but his confidence and concentration have as well. We couldn’t be more grateful for the dedicated and compassionate staff at Vision Therapy of WNY who supported him every step of the way. Highly recommend to any parent considering vision therapy for their child!
4 months ago
- Carol H.
Vision Development of WNY has absolutely transformed the life of my child. Their staff are patient, kind and always adapting to the energy and needs of the child when it comes to their care. They love what they do and the patients they serve. We just completed our 36 weeks and my son no longer has double vision and his behavior has improved dramatically. He is better able to focus in class and in instructional environments. Vision Therapy was what worked when all doctors could not help us or tell us what was wrong. Do not let the price scare you, it is worth every dollar and there are resources available to help if you know where to look. Through donations, grants, and help from friends, family and organizations we were able to get services covered in full. I encourage you, if you are questioning at least do yourself a favor and have the evaluation, if not only to get answers that doctors may be missing. Our eye doctor missed my son's issue completely! Overall, I can not praise this facility enough. They are not just clinicians to us anymore, we consider them family.
6 months ago
- D H.
Best place…. We recommend
10 months ago
- Vijaya M.
I can’t express enough how grateful I am for everything you did for my son. Everyone at Vision Therapy of WNY has been so supportive and kind. I will miss you all when my son is finished. Kathy and the team has worked miracles. To hear your son say “Mom I can see that now” is priceless. He is doing better in school and I’ve seen his confidence grown these past 8 months. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. This has been a wonderful experience!!
11 months ago
- Lyndsy P.


When we first came to Dr. O’Connor Nora was a 6-year-old, 1st-grade student who didn’t like school. It took us all night to do homework with lots of tears and yelling. Every night she would say “I can’t do it!”. She was “stuck” at the same reading level for 10 months with no improvement. Within 2 months of Nora starting vision therapy, she jumped up 2 reading levels at school. The tears were less and less and Nora wouldn’t argue every night doing homework. She started to want to read and we could tell she was trying. When Nora would read to us she started to sound out the letters in the words, blending them together, which she previously struggled with.

Now Nora loves school and doesn’t give us a hard time about going anymore or doing her homework. She has just entered 2nd grade and while still behind every day seems to be improving more and more. We can’t wait to see the progress she continues to make.


Brody started falling while walking, falling out of the car, tripping going upstairs or falling down them. He also started standing while doing school work and was not able to sit. He would also sleep 12+ hours a day. His self-esteem was very poor. This was all the first part of 2019. Fast forward to March- we met Dr. O and found out Brody had a few eye issues. We traveled 2x a week, 3 hours round trip and every therapy session was worth it!

Brody can now catch a baseball, run freely without falling, ride a bike without training wheels, go upstairs without holding on to a rail and without falling. He is reading at a 3rd-grade level, smoothly, and is sitting while doing so. He sleeps 8 hours and has wonderful self-esteem- believes in himself and always asks for home therapy. He tried karate and now wants to play basketball.

Vision therapy has given my son back to me. Brody is a new kid who is now happy and excited to do new things.

Be dedicated to the process, ask questions, and trust those you work with. They have given my boy a new life and a chance that I never thought could be. We love Dr. O and everyone at Vision Development!


Before going to vision therapy I suffered from convergence insufficiency, meaning I would see double unless I focused hard on an object. I went to an eye doctor in the past and they simply prescribed me with glasses, that did not help. When I got to college the problem became too much for me to handle and I had extreme difficulties getting through the semester. When I went to vision therapy, Dr. O’Connor understood my problem right away and I started doing my therapy. Now that I am all done I would consider the difference in my vision life changing. I no longer see double, have trouble reading, have headaches or other symptoms I used to experience on a daily basis. I now feel like I can move forward in my life and pursue whatever it is I choose to pursue to the best of my ability. On top of all this, they had a very friendly, welcoming environment because they truly cared about me. I am very thankful and I would highly recommend Vision Development of WNY to anybody with vision issues.


Our Story begins as Wesley was finishing first grade and was complaining about his vision. We checked with his teacher and she hadn’t noticed anything out of the normal within the classroom and Wesley had made no complaints to her about his vision. We visited our family eye doctor and Wesley’s eyesight was 20/20. From the other tests conducted, the doctor thought Wesley may have a vision processing issue based on his answers and suggested, a visit to Dr. O’Connor.

We made our first visit to Dr. O’Connor in July 2018 for Wesley’s evaluation. We learned that Wesley did have vision processing concerns. After a lot of information from Dr. O’Connor and knowing how Wesley struggled at school, we committed as a family to the vision therapy program, 2 times a week. It was a 140-mile round trip each visit from our home to Dr. O’Connor’s office!

As we completed our visits to Miss Jen and Dr. O’Connor and worked on home-based therapy, we started to see Wesley improve academically. Wesley’s beginning of the year test scores jumped significantly by mid-year – Wesley went from being behind a 1 to 2-grade levels in math and reading to being on par with his current grade level and excelling. Wesley went from not wanting to read in August to a serious book worm by March! Wesley also graduated from Physical Therapy after being in a program for 4 years. We are so excited for ALL the goals Wesley has achieved and we believe that vision therapy is made the BIGGEST difference in achieving these goals.

To say that the staff of Vision Development of WNY are caring, loving and supportive, is an understatement! They were not just Wesley’s biggest cheerleaders but cheerleaders to our entire family. The positive enthusiastic atmosphere never wavered at any of our visits, ever.

If you are thinking of vision therapy for your child, don’t wait, it could make the biggest difference in your child’s life!

The Maras Family 4/2019


My son Steven was diagnosed with Central Auditory Processing Disorder(CAPD). He was classified as “borderline” by the Niagara Falls Public School District and not entitled to any help whatsoever. His CAPD therapist recommended he see Dr. O’Connor because she believed Steven also had vision problems – which he did.

He got reading glasses and started Vision Therapy once a week. It took a few visits but we started to notice an improvement in the way he was reading. He actually looked forward to his therapy and would practice while at home or riding in the car. After about two months we noticed a change in his attitude about reading; he had developed more confidence in himself so therefore we did not have such a struggle to try to get him to pick up a book and read.

Before Vision Therapy he would actually cry if he had to read because he just couldn’t do it. None of us had any idea he had such extensive vision problems. Steven would hit himself and say how stupid he was and run away crying.

It was hard on our whole family. In school he was on the verge of being held back a year; even the teachers thought he was lazy. We were all exhausted and didn’t know which way to turn.

Thank God for Vision Therapy! There are doctors that don’t believe in it, but it did wonders for our son. Steven is now in 5th grade and while he still only reads at a 3rd grade, 6-month level it is such an improvement from one year ago. His attitude about school and reading has changed quite a bit. He likes school.

Reading isn’t his favorite subject. I doubt it ever will be, but he’s on his way. He has confidence and a positive attitude. It was a long drive from Niagara Falls and quite a bit of money because insurance won’t pay for Vision Therapy, but it was worth every mile and penny. Steven still practices his therapy because he believes it works.

He is living proof.



I first discovered I had a vision problem when I was beginning 4th grade and was seeing double. My ophthalmologist referred me to an eye surgeon and I had surgery in November of 2003 for a “Lazy Eye.” The surgery did not work. In fact, my vision got worse. That was when an occupational therapist my mom works with suggested we try Dr. O’Connor.

Dr. O’Connor believed I could be helped by Vision Therapy. I started with strong prisms in my glasses and phototherapy. It made a huge difference right away. For the first time I was only seeing one image. My field of vision improved so I could see all of my homework at one time. I worked with Kathy and Joann two to three times a week to complete different exercises and tasks to strengthen my eye muscles and get my eyes working together. I hated figure eight pattern walking, but it worked. The Brock String and computer programs were fun, but you better keep up with the homework Joann gives you. It seems like a lot but my vision was worth it.

Eventually, after working in Vision Therapy for more than a year I did not need prisms at all and my eyes worked together. I have been back to see Dr. O’Connor every six months and my eyes are still doing great.

I’m very thankful my parents brought me to see Dr. O’Connor. I can’t image what my life would be like if I had to see double all the time. I certainly would not be on high honor roll or be able to competitively swim!

I love Vision Therapy and would strongly recommend it to everyone with vision problems!



Eight years ago my son, Nicholas, was in elementary school and struggling with reading and writing. His teachers always commented to me that, “there was something there” preventing him from progressing. Verbally, at 10-years-old, he scored at the level of a 20-year-old and he was always very willing to read but it was just one word at a time. Then we were referred to Dr. O’Connor.

Recently, Nicholas graduated from Niagara Wheatfield High School. In the beginning of his senior year, he was ranked 40 out of 302 students! He is a member of the National Honor Society, received four scholarships and a Certificate of Excellence/Outstanding Student from BOCES. He was accepted at every college to which he applied and will be attending Paul Smith College in the Adirondacks for Environmental/Wildlife Science.

I share this with you because Dr. O’Connor changed his life! He went from a struggling elementary school student to a successful and exceling high school student.

Occasionally, Nicholas will explain to someone how I put him in a closet and he stared at a green light. It definitely raises some eyebrows, but what a difference it has made!

We can’t thank Dr. O’Connor enough for providing your services. We are extremely grateful.



When I started Phototherapy, I had limited peripheral vision. The treatment was not easy for me because many times I was dizzy and nauseous afterward. Dr. O’Connor and the staff were very encouraging. Sharon & Kristi were patient and helpful. Now, after 20 sessions of Phototherapy and almost a year of Vision Therapy, I can drive again without having someone with me and I am enrolled fulltime in college.

I have had an extremely positive experience (with Dr. O’Connor). I didn’t know where to turn a year ago. I pretty much thought that I would have to learn to live with being dizzy, having headaches, poor memory and concentration, problems focusing, blurred vision, etc.

Now, I have my life back!



Before Vision Therapy, 5-year-old Alan was unable to run without constantly looking at the ground, was unable to descend stairs using alternating feet, and avoided typical childhood activities like climbing, jumping, swinging, and riding a bike. He also avoided fine motor skills activities such as drawing, coloring, and printing.

Thanks to Vision Therapy with Dr. O’Connor, Alan now runs full speed with his eyes looking forward, handles stairs without hesitation, and no longer avoids any fine or gross motor skills activities. His self-esteem has soared because his sense of safety and spatial confidence is more prevalent than the fear of falling or getting hurt.

Vision Therapy with Dr. O’Connor helped to improve his balance and depth perception; because of this Alan is a happier little boy. His whole life changed because of Vision Therapy. His risk taking, endurance, and confidence have grown and, most importantly, he is so much happier!



As a result of a stroke with traumatic brain injury that I suffered in March, 2016, I was left blind on the right side of my field of vision.

I completed the months of rehabilitation, including Vision Therapy, but I felt that there must be something else I could do to improve. Most of my doctors indicated there was nothing else that could be done.

Finally, I was referred to Dr. Richard O’Connor. Before Vision Therapy with him, I was very hesitant to walk in a public place such as a store due to the fact that I thought I would run into people or trip over unseen objects. I was virtually a shut-in and very depressed. I felt I had lost all my independence.

After completing initial testing and evaluation, I began my Vision Therapy. Dr. O’Connor gave me the confidence to return to most of my normal activities like shopping, running errands, meeting friends, going to the gym, etc. With his recommended techniques and special equipment, I can safely drive my car on a limited basis. This has made a huge improvement in my quality of life and morale.

In summation, I feel the Vision Therapy I received was one of the most beneficial and worthwhile treatments that I have ever experienced. I would like to thank Dr. O’Connor and his entire excellent professional staff for helping me return to my daily activites.
